Feel free to write me a message
at Js@janarsiniloo.com
Below, you'll find information on the types of projects I handle, my approach to pricing, and my rates. If you have any further inquiries or require more specific details, please don't hesitate to reach out.
What type of works do you take on?
As a multi-disciplinary designer specializing in UX, product, and visual design, I am well-equipped to handle a diverse range of projects across these disciplines. I take on projects that involve creating user-centered experiences, designing intuitive interfaces, and crafting visually appealing designs. This includes website design, mobile app design, e-commerce experiences, product design, branding, and more. I thrive on the opportunity to tackle new challenges and collaborate with clients from various industries. Whether it's developing a user-friendly interface, optimizing a product's usability, or creating a cohesive brand identity, I am passionate about delivering impactful design solutions that meet the unique needs of each project. I welcome the chance to discuss your specific design needs and explore how we can work together to achieve your goals.
How do you charge for projects ?
I believe in a fair and transparent pricing structure that reflects the value I bring to each project as a freelance UX designer. To determine the cost of a project, I carefully evaluate the scope, complexity, and specific requirements involved. I offer both fixed-price and hourly rate options, depending on the project's nature and client preferences. My rates are competitive and reflect my expertise, experience, and the level of commitment required. I prioritize open communication and collaboration with clients to ensure a clear understanding of project expectations and deliverables.
What is your rate?
My rate as a UX, product, and visual designer is 650€ per day. This rate reflects the value and expertise I bring to each project, backed by years of experience in these disciplines. I take pride in delivering high-quality design solutions that meet and exceed client expectations. It's important to note that rates can vary depending on the project scope, complexity, and duration. I believe in transparency and open communication, so I am always open to discussing specific project details and tailoring my rates accordingly. If you would like to discuss your project requirements further or obtain a detailed quote, please feel free to get in touch. I look forward to the opportunity of collaborating with you and creating outstanding design solutions.